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Saturday, March 29, 2014

You're NOT alone, ladies.

I want to talk about one of those things that a lot of women experience, but, very few of them talk about it.

Postpartum Depression.

After giving birth to the most joyful thing I've ever laid eyes on, I realized that I didn't have that feeling of euphoria that EVERYONE said I was going to feel. I wasn't instantly in love with my baby. I was tired, loopy from drugs and in pain. I figured it would get better after I recovered from the birth. It didn't. At my follow up appointment with my doctor, he asked if I was feeling the Baby Blues. He said it would go away in a few weeks and that I'm doing a great job. 

I sure didn't feel like it. I felt like the crappiest mom in the world who wasn't in love with her baby like society says you should be right after birth. 

A couple months later I started losing interest in being a mom. I didn't want to breastfeed anymore. Every time my baby cried, I would cringe. When my husband came home from work, I had extreme anxiety and begged him to just take her. 

Someone Said I may have PPD. I was like 'what, me? no way!' I didn't want to admit that when Paisley was fussy, I resented her. I didn't want to admit that I would have rather ended my life than sticking around here feeling like a crappy mom. 

Baby Blues VS PPD

Baby Blues: "A common temporary psychological state right after childbirth when a new mother may have sudden mood swings, feeling very happy, then very sad, cry for no apparent reason, feel impatient, unusually irritable, restless, anxious, lonely and sad. The baby blues may last only a few hours or as long as 1 to 2 weeks after delivery."

Baby blues is very common. It doesn't typically require medical attention. Although, you should definitely tell your doctor if you are experiencing any of the symptoms in the definition above! 

When you are months after childbirth and you realize that you are are primarily: keeping to yourself, having thoughts of harming yourself or your baby, lack of concern towards your baby or intense concern and anxiety, and/or feeling emotional numbness or frequent crying; you may be experiencing PPD. 

When I finally had enough of feeling the way I did, I finally told my doctor. She told me she wishes I had told her soon because SO many women go through this, but, no one wants to admit to it. I felt alone in my feelings but I WASN'T. 

Postpartum depression occurs after one out of every eight deliveries in the United States, affecting about half a million women every year.

A half a million women? That's A LOT. You are NOT alone

It is important to tell someone when you are feeling this way! A friend, a family member, a member of your religious institution, a counselor, and most importantly your doctor! 

You are an amazing mother, no one will think less of you if you ask your help, and it is much better for your well being and the well being of your baby if you ask for help! 

Did you ALSO know that Dads can also suffer from PPD?
PPD can affect as many as 10% of new fathers.

If you need someone to talk to. Someone who doesn't know you but has been through what you are going through, but you don't feel comfortable talking to your doctor, talk to me! My e-mail is on my home page, and you can find my facebook through my google + account. 

You're doing great, moms and dads! 


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Clap along if you feel like...

My response? 'Someones not happy...' HA. 
Really though. 

Doesn't that song just make you wanna get up and dance? Every time the song comes on, even my 4 month old daughter smiles! Though, I need help making sense of something... 

What does a room without a roof feel like? 

Apparently I am not well aware of the simile used here. LOL. So, if you have a clue, I'd love to know!! In the meantime........ have a listen! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Public Service Announcement!

I struggled with breastfeeding. I had flat nipples upon birth, so I used a nipple shield! At 6 weeks, Paisley finally took to the breast by itself. Then I suffered from Mastitis, which turned into Thrush after taking antibiotics. Had thrush for 1.5 months and now, at 3.5 months, breastfeeding is GREAT! Don't give up! You CAN do it! You ARE enough for your baby!!! If you are struggling, call a lactation consultant! If your supply is low, eat some lactation cookies! If you like tea, drink mothers milk tea! Some people even say that drinking a beer can help increase your supply due to the brewers yeast! Keep on keeping on, ladies! You're doing a great job!

Stay crunchy ;)

Paisley says 'you can do it!!!!'

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nursing Necklace by The Vintage Honey Shop

^^ My initial reaction when I received my nursing necklace! 
The first thing you notice when you open it is the beautifully wrapped packaging...

The fact that they take the time to wrap every package this way shows that they really appreciate their customers! The shop is run by two Sisters in law and best friends in Nashville, TN! How sweet, right???

THEN, I opened it....

Totes adorbs. I am obsessed with the fabric pattern! 

There are two purposes to this necklace: 
1) to complete an outfit
and 2) so that your little touchy feely baby isn't trying to fish hook your mouth with their hands! 

What an awesome idea, right? 
My little Paisley is a scratcher and a grabber. This necklace has prevented me from looking like I have a cat that is constantly scratching my chest and from getting upset with my little peanut for punching me in the eye while nursing :P

I DEFINITELY give this necklace a thumbs up!! 

To order one for yourself check out The Vintage Honey Shop on Facebook! 

Stay crunchy, everyone ;)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Freddy the Frog Cool Mist Humidifier by Crane!

Let me start by saying I ADORE this product!! I never realized how well my baby or I could sleep until we started using this! We live in Florida, so it is ridiculously humid here. BUT, during the winter months (I say that with a slightly sarcastic undertone ;) it does get nippy.

With a new baby in the house, we have to have the heat on, no matter how warm blooded mommy is! Before using the humidifier, my husband, daughter and I were waking up with crusty noses and dry mouths. We got the humidifier as a gift and it is a LIFESAVER! The first night we used it, Paisley slept through the night without waking up with a dry mouth and the whole family woke up with moist noses AND mouths! (Even the dog!!!) 

I recommend this to ANYONE! It also comes in an array of animals and shapes, including: A Pig, Penguin, Owl, Elephant, Cow, Hello Kitty, a teardrop, ECT! 

This product is so worth the $45 dollars! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

About me and my blog!

Hey, I'm Kayla. I'm 22 years old, mother to 3 month old Paisley Jayne and wife to a United States Airman.

I am a(n):

  • Mother
  • Wife
  • Photographer
  • Lactivist
  • Intactivist
  • Baby wearer 
  • Gentle redirector
  • Passionate Person
  • Anti-vax
  • Anti-spanking
  • Co-sleeper
  • Homeschooler
I will be using this blog to review products made specifically for infants! I only want the best for my baby girl and I want to be able to help you make those decisions as well!

Happy reading!