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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Finding me.

I love being a mom. I love being a wife. But I feel like that's all I am. 

Where is the 'me' I was before I was either of those? 

I was so self confident, loud, obnoxious, the life of the party. I was friends with everyone. I had enough energy to go out every weekend. 

Hell, I had enough energy to go out for dinner... 

How did I get so frumpy and boring?

I feel like I have not yet found my real self. I don't thoroughly enjoy doing 1 single thing. I really haven't found much of anything that I enjoy so much that I consider it a hobby.

I feel like, aside from raising my daughter, I am doing nothing for myself. 

I am bored. With life. 


Like I said, I love being a mom. But I know I can be so much more. I just don't know what.

I am stuck in a massive rut and I don't know how to get out.

When any of you figure out how to find yourself, please let me know your secret.

I'm dying here. Of normalcy.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Dear God;

Please grant me the strength to parent alone for the next few months. Please allow me to remain calm, even in the wee hours of the night when I get most frustrated. Please help me to soothe my hurting daughter when she is missing her daddy. Help me to be a peaceful parent that listens to her frustrations and helps her instead of letting her figure it out alone, as if she could. Allow me to be her safe haven. Allow me to be strong for the two of us so my husband has no worries. Please keep my husband safe and sound. Please grant him inner peace and the ability to remain calm in situations he may not enjoy. Thank you for everything you do. 


Thursday, May 29, 2014

I don't like the way you parent.

An article about thinking and not speaking. 

Speaking gets you in trouble... hell, thinking gets you in trouble. I should know. I am a PRO at trouble!

Before you become a parent, you are bombarded with unsolicited advice and what others think you should and shouldn't do to/with your child. It is up to you how you choose to react to these things. With that being said, I am one of those crazies who posts all over my facebook wall about my parental beliefs and have VERY strong opinions. For the most part, I do not take into consideration what anyone else thinks. Something I told a friend of mine today..

'I think I'm right and you think you're right.. but I have been out to prove that my right is righter than your right' 

I am DYING to change that attitude. And, I am getting a bit better. But, I have lost SO many friends due to my strong opinions. I expect people to just like me for who I am. Brutal opinions and all! I mean, that is ideal, isn't it? It would be so easy if the world just worked out that way. 
Sadly it doesn't. People expect you to tone it down and you expect them to change their minds. I've learned from a few good friends that as you age, you become a lot better at keeping your opinions to yourself. 

Let me put it to you this way; 

I don't give a s4!t how you parent. I don't. I guess its just my argumentative side. I'm FAR from proud of it. 

I love people. I love having friends. I am learning to keep my mouth shut. I am LEARNING. It won't happen overnight. 

To my future friends; 
bare with me. Sometimes I suck. I am learning. 
I will say I'm sorry often. I am learning.

If you're not willing to put up with me and my personality, that's okay. I respect that. 

Just please remember... even people like me need friends. We just need to learn to adjust our attitudes. I will always have an opinion, and I may even tell you my opinion.. but, I am learning to deliver my opinions in a more respectful, less brutal manner. 

To all of you who choose to stay; thank you. I appreciate you for helping me to learn how to speak and react to certain things. 

"Love is patient, love is kind"

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

This outfit is so 'Merican

So I just received Paisley's 4th of July outfit in the mail, made by MissMacHandmade on Etsy... the following photo speaks for itself... 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words... but this picture only needs one word

MissMacHandmade makes clothes, totes, burp cloths, jewelry... the girl does it all! 

If ANYONE is looking for a 4th of July outfit for their little, please consider MissMacHandmade on Etsy. 
This outfit can be made for sizes Newborn - 5T! 

Just another photo for your viewing pleasure! 

No but really. Cutest 'Merican outfit ever. 

xox ;)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Baby Buttons Review!

I love Baby Buttons and all of their products! 
They have the CUTEST knit booties EVER!

(Link to view or purchase at the bottom!)

The shop owner, Leah, is located in the UK. She is so so sweet and is so talented! 

^^ I mean, seriously?! 

If I had gotten every single stinkin' pair of these for my baby shower I would have squeeeeeled! 

I put Paisley in her best winter gear so she could sport her booties and hat. Turned out pretty adorable! 

She LOVES her Baby Buttons gear <3 

She also makes amazing knit blankets, they are so perfect! 

All of her items make the PERFECT baby shower gift! She makes sets for boys and girls! 

Beautiful knit blanket!

If you want to purchase some of her knit sets or any of her other products visit her Etsy or Facebook page*!


*Leah holds special offers and discounts on her Facebook page! "Like" to get in on the action!


Monday, April 28, 2014

My birth story!

While I was pregnant, I had EVERYTHING planned out.

How I would parent, how I would refuse medication during birth, how I would NEVER have a c-section, because its unnecessary… Everyone told me ‘you keep on planning, but just wait, everything will change...’ It made me angry. No one believed me. So my mindset was that of ‘I’m gonna show YOU!’


November 17, 2013: 1 week until my due date. I was so excited, so scared, so nervous! My husband had finally come home from his deployment, just in time to welcome his baby girl! My family would all be here any day now, hopefully she would arrive while they’re here! I was still very adamant about a med-free vaginal birth. I made my birth plan and packed my hospital bag. I was all ready!

The night I picked my husband up from the airport after not seeing him for 4 months!

November 23, 2013: 1 day until my due date. My family had arrived in time for my due date AND Thanksgiving! I was thrilled! I couldn’t wait for Paisley to make her appearance and my whole family be around to see her! I was getting anxious, but I still wanted that med-free birth.

On the beach outside of my families condo! The day before my due date! 

November 24, 2013: My due date. I tried EVERYTHING to try and get this little girl to come out! I mean, EVERYTHING! My family, who traveled from Ohio to visit, was leaving in a couple days. I really wanted them to be around when I had Pai. The likelihood of that seemed small.

November 28, 2013: 4 days after my due date and its Thanksgiving. My family will be leaving in 2 days and still no sign of Paisley. My doctor said I was completely unfavorable. 1 cm dilated, 0% effaced. The thought of induction sounded REALLY great at that moment, even though I SWORE I would NEVER do it. At this appointment, my doctor said that if I have not gone into labor by my next appointment, he would induce me.

My husband and I on Thanksgiving. 4 days overdue!

December 3, 2013: Induction day. Yes, I chose the induction. I strayed from my plan. I proved everyone right. At the time, I just wanted her out. I was tired of being pregnant. I never once felt contractions. I was still completely closed. They started me on cervadil at 5pm and let it sit overnight.

December 4, 2013:
6AM My doctor came in to check me after the cervadil. Still completely closed. He tried to break my water, but my cervix was too high up. So they started me on pitocin (logic?)

After 11 hours on pitocin,still completely closed. So I told my doctor just to schedule my c-section. I knew where this was headed.

5:26 PM, I birthed a beautiful baby girl via c-section. 7lbs 20.5 inches.


A huge part of me wishes I had just waited until she came naturally, but I realized having a c-section doesn’t make you less of a mother. Just like having a vaginal birth doesn’t make you more of a mother.

After my c-section I was loopy from the drugs and I didn’t even see my daughter or my husband for at least 2 hours after the surgery. I was able to breastfeed when she came in, with the help of a nipple shield but I didn't feel any special bond. I loved her immediately and she was beautiful, but it was a hot mess.

 It truly didn’t matter how she came, though, only that she did; And honestly, I’d do it all over again, for her.


Friday, April 25, 2014

Baby Face Boutique Review with 20% off coupon! (Code and link at the bottom!)

Babyface Boutique is a shop on Instagram run by Caylee Williams.
She's sweet as candy and has amazing clothes and patterns!

Hashtag Swagforbabies!

Let me start off with the fact that she makes infinity scarves... FOR INFANTS! Paisley has 2 of them so far, and I hope to get more! 

Paisley rocking her infinity scarf and matching pants!

She has a ridiculous amount of patterns! She makes scarves with matching pants, skirts and harem pants; she also makes stylish bibs called Bibdanas with matching pants! The fabrics are so soft and Paisley loves to wear them! 

Here's a few examples of her fabulous work! 

Omg are these two outfits not the most adorable???? 

<--Left: Skirt with matching headband!

Right: Pants with matching Bibdana!-->

She also has loads of headbands that match the outfits AND she has adorable beanies! 

Paisley with her scarf and beanie!
Some of the beanie patterns! Paisley has the pink with bows!!
Here is some of her Bibdana patterns! How cool are these? 
You've GOT to go check out her shop on IG @babyfaceboutique! 
She is offering a 20% discount on orders using the code APL2014 through paypal! 
You need these in your life! 


Monday, April 21, 2014

Taking time for me.

My purpose in life is to make my daughter happy. I truly believe I was born to be a stay at home mom. There is not a single item in this world that could buy me the joy I have when I see my daughter every morning and spend every day with her. 

That said, with all the time we spend together, it's very important for me to have some 'Me Time'

My favorite 'me time' activity is taking a nice, hot bubble bath while scrolling through Facebook. 

Me time is SO essential to a mother AND fathers well-being.

Don't be afraid to communicate to your partner when you're feeling overwhelmed with life and you need a break. It doesn't make you any less of a person. 

It's so much better for yourself, and your family if you're de-stressed. 

Happy parents, happy family.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Why having one child is enough for me.


When I tell people that I don't want to have anymore children I get one of these responses:

  • Really, it's that bad?!
  • Wait until she's [insert random age here], you'll want another
  • Only children are spoiled brats!
  • She's going to be lonely!
To answer those questions; 

  • Absolutely not, my daughter is the best thing that's ever happened to me. 
  • I realize that upon seeing my baby girl, everyone gets baby fever, but that doesn't happen to everyone, and if it does, I'll just get a puppy ;)
  • Its pretty rude to generalize only children. My best friend is an only child and is the sweetest girl you will ever meet...
  • It may not seem like much to you, but I am her friend. She will never be lonely as long as she is with me!
Paisley is my best friend, my tiny partner in crime. I honestly only have enough love in my heart for her. I have no desire to ever have anymore children. 

I want to teach her as much as humanly possible and I only want to teach life lessons once. 

I want to put all my time and effort into watching her grow up and shaping her into the individual she will be! I owe it to her to put all my love into her and her alone. 

Parents who have multiple children have big big hearts for their multiple children. They have the patience and time to shape more than one baby and watch them grow! I think that's so cool! 

I, positively, only have a heart big enough for my sweet sweet baby girl. And that's okay with me! God will create beautiful babies in the wombs of other women!

I will never stop hearing 'I know you are saying that now, but you'll want another!', and that is something I've learned to accept! My mind will never change, though!

Paisley Jayne is my one and my only! And that's okay with me!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mikab Teething Jewellery Review! (With a 15% off coupon code!)

Mikab Teething Necklace in Black

Got this beauty a couple weeks ago.

The owner, Dominika, is sweet as pie and awesome to deal with!

Her shop is located in the Republic of Ireland, and lucky for us, she ships to the US <3 

Her teething necklaces are made of non-toxic, food grade silicone; the same kind of silicon babies soothers and bottle nipples are made of! BPA free!!
It also has a breakaway clasp for added safety and complies with EN71 toys safety standard! GENIUSSSSS! 

Mama rockin the necklace that Paisley was just chewing on :P

The necklace looks great with any outfit and Paisley LOVES chewing on it! 
Its a Godsend, especially since my little 4 month old is currently teething! 

She offers and array of colors in bengals, pendants and necklaces, like mine!! 

I LOVE the turquoise pieces!

Lucky for my awesome followers, Dominika is offering a discount on her already amazingly priced jewelry! 
If you head to her website and purchase a piece, you will get 15% your order by applying the code BR2013! This code is valid until the end of 2014! <3 

Click on one of the links below and check out her inventory and get your discount today! 

Fashion statements are so much cooler when they serve more than one purpose!


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I saw the light.

It is very likely that I am one of the most passionate people you'll ever meet. 

Within itself, that is a blessing and a curse; whatever you make it out to be.

For the majority of my life, I have chosen to make it a curse. It has always been 'Kayla and her big mouth', 'Kayla and her unwanted opinions', 'Kayla is being a drama queen... again' 
I mean, day after day, it was always something new with me. I say 'was' very lightly, since I'm basically talking about just yesterday ;) 

When I am passionate about something, there is NO stopping me. I say things I don't mean, I won't stop until I get my point across or until the responder (enabler) stops responding. Which means, conversations (in my case, arguing) would go on for HOURS. People would say things I didn't like and it would make my blood boil. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I want to strangle whomever I'm talking to, to make them SEE THE LIGHT

Then someone VERY important to me said this;

"Dont be offended.. but I believe you are pushing your parenting views onto people who don't really care. I understand you feel that way and that is awesome, but maybe you are heading a tad overboard with presenting to other people".

Chicka WHAAAAT? Maybe it was ME who needed to see the light. Why, in God's name, do I care about what other people are doing, how they are parenting, how they are living? Even if I did care, why do I feel the need to tell them, when they really don't care, whether I do or not?! 

Seriously people. If you want to leave your little bits of information to someone who may have views that are different than yours, go ahead! If they don't like it, leave the conversation. Staying and arguing, or even conversing, isn't going to change their mind; but, if you kindly leave a bit of information that they may have never seen before and don't say another word, it could plant a seed.. (or it couldn't but lets be positive, here!)

Open your eyes, fighters! Stop fighting. You may be pushing people away around you without even realizing it... until they're all gone. Stop while you're ahead. 


Saturday, March 29, 2014

You're NOT alone, ladies.

I want to talk about one of those things that a lot of women experience, but, very few of them talk about it.

Postpartum Depression.

After giving birth to the most joyful thing I've ever laid eyes on, I realized that I didn't have that feeling of euphoria that EVERYONE said I was going to feel. I wasn't instantly in love with my baby. I was tired, loopy from drugs and in pain. I figured it would get better after I recovered from the birth. It didn't. At my follow up appointment with my doctor, he asked if I was feeling the Baby Blues. He said it would go away in a few weeks and that I'm doing a great job. 

I sure didn't feel like it. I felt like the crappiest mom in the world who wasn't in love with her baby like society says you should be right after birth. 

A couple months later I started losing interest in being a mom. I didn't want to breastfeed anymore. Every time my baby cried, I would cringe. When my husband came home from work, I had extreme anxiety and begged him to just take her. 

Someone Said I may have PPD. I was like 'what, me? no way!' I didn't want to admit that when Paisley was fussy, I resented her. I didn't want to admit that I would have rather ended my life than sticking around here feeling like a crappy mom. 

Baby Blues VS PPD

Baby Blues: "A common temporary psychological state right after childbirth when a new mother may have sudden mood swings, feeling very happy, then very sad, cry for no apparent reason, feel impatient, unusually irritable, restless, anxious, lonely and sad. The baby blues may last only a few hours or as long as 1 to 2 weeks after delivery."

Baby blues is very common. It doesn't typically require medical attention. Although, you should definitely tell your doctor if you are experiencing any of the symptoms in the definition above! 

When you are months after childbirth and you realize that you are are primarily: keeping to yourself, having thoughts of harming yourself or your baby, lack of concern towards your baby or intense concern and anxiety, and/or feeling emotional numbness or frequent crying; you may be experiencing PPD. 

When I finally had enough of feeling the way I did, I finally told my doctor. She told me she wishes I had told her soon because SO many women go through this, but, no one wants to admit to it. I felt alone in my feelings but I WASN'T. 

Postpartum depression occurs after one out of every eight deliveries in the United States, affecting about half a million women every year.

A half a million women? That's A LOT. You are NOT alone

It is important to tell someone when you are feeling this way! A friend, a family member, a member of your religious institution, a counselor, and most importantly your doctor! 

You are an amazing mother, no one will think less of you if you ask your help, and it is much better for your well being and the well being of your baby if you ask for help! 

Did you ALSO know that Dads can also suffer from PPD?
PPD can affect as many as 10% of new fathers.

If you need someone to talk to. Someone who doesn't know you but has been through what you are going through, but you don't feel comfortable talking to your doctor, talk to me! My e-mail is on my home page, and you can find my facebook through my google + account. 

You're doing great, moms and dads! 


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Clap along if you feel like...

My response? 'Someones not happy...' HA. 
Really though. 

Doesn't that song just make you wanna get up and dance? Every time the song comes on, even my 4 month old daughter smiles! Though, I need help making sense of something... 

What does a room without a roof feel like? 

Apparently I am not well aware of the simile used here. LOL. So, if you have a clue, I'd love to know!! In the meantime........ have a listen! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Public Service Announcement!

I struggled with breastfeeding. I had flat nipples upon birth, so I used a nipple shield! At 6 weeks, Paisley finally took to the breast by itself. Then I suffered from Mastitis, which turned into Thrush after taking antibiotics. Had thrush for 1.5 months and now, at 3.5 months, breastfeeding is GREAT! Don't give up! You CAN do it! You ARE enough for your baby!!! If you are struggling, call a lactation consultant! If your supply is low, eat some lactation cookies! If you like tea, drink mothers milk tea! Some people even say that drinking a beer can help increase your supply due to the brewers yeast! Keep on keeping on, ladies! You're doing a great job!

Stay crunchy ;)

Paisley says 'you can do it!!!!'

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nursing Necklace by The Vintage Honey Shop

^^ My initial reaction when I received my nursing necklace! 
The first thing you notice when you open it is the beautifully wrapped packaging...

The fact that they take the time to wrap every package this way shows that they really appreciate their customers! The shop is run by two Sisters in law and best friends in Nashville, TN! How sweet, right???

THEN, I opened it....

Totes adorbs. I am obsessed with the fabric pattern! 

There are two purposes to this necklace: 
1) to complete an outfit
and 2) so that your little touchy feely baby isn't trying to fish hook your mouth with their hands! 

What an awesome idea, right? 
My little Paisley is a scratcher and a grabber. This necklace has prevented me from looking like I have a cat that is constantly scratching my chest and from getting upset with my little peanut for punching me in the eye while nursing :P

I DEFINITELY give this necklace a thumbs up!! 

To order one for yourself check out The Vintage Honey Shop on Facebook! 

Stay crunchy, everyone ;)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Freddy the Frog Cool Mist Humidifier by Crane!

Let me start by saying I ADORE this product!! I never realized how well my baby or I could sleep until we started using this! We live in Florida, so it is ridiculously humid here. BUT, during the winter months (I say that with a slightly sarcastic undertone ;) it does get nippy.

With a new baby in the house, we have to have the heat on, no matter how warm blooded mommy is! Before using the humidifier, my husband, daughter and I were waking up with crusty noses and dry mouths. We got the humidifier as a gift and it is a LIFESAVER! The first night we used it, Paisley slept through the night without waking up with a dry mouth and the whole family woke up with moist noses AND mouths! (Even the dog!!!) 

I recommend this to ANYONE! It also comes in an array of animals and shapes, including: A Pig, Penguin, Owl, Elephant, Cow, Hello Kitty, a teardrop, ECT! 

This product is so worth the $45 dollars! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

About me and my blog!

Hey, I'm Kayla. I'm 22 years old, mother to 3 month old Paisley Jayne and wife to a United States Airman.

I am a(n):

  • Mother
  • Wife
  • Photographer
  • Lactivist
  • Intactivist
  • Baby wearer 
  • Gentle redirector
  • Passionate Person
  • Anti-vax
  • Anti-spanking
  • Co-sleeper
  • Homeschooler
I will be using this blog to review products made specifically for infants! I only want the best for my baby girl and I want to be able to help you make those decisions as well!

Happy reading!